Add-on seats
Whether you're creating a custom voice zone or a special presenter lounge, Breakroom's add-on furniture objects combine function with flexibility.
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Whether you're creating a custom voice zone or a special presenter lounge, Breakroom's add-on furniture objects combine function with flexibility.
Last updated
Breakroom's add-on seating sets consist of two major types: conferencing system seats and presenter seats. Conferencing system seats are designed to create or expand general seating capacity within breakout areas and custom voice zones. Meanwhile, presenter seats are designed to host speakers in Presenter and Audience voice zones.
Both seating types tie in with Breakroom's pre-existing conferencing tools, and will grant users access to gesture and camera controls. Conferencing system seats can also be set up so that users are automatically seated when they teleport into your custom voice zone.
Details about each add-on seating item can be found below. Please note that these furniture items are built with crowds in mind. You can hide individual chairs within each linked set if you don't need all of them.
Important note: Unless otherwise noted, furniture purchased from the Breakroom Shop will not provide users access to gestures and camera controls. Chairs, couches, and other items that are not designed to work with the conferencing system will function as seating only.
For more information about adding furniture items to custom voice zones or setting up presenter seats, please see the relevant linked pages.
For more information about adding furniture items to custom voice zones or setting up presenter seats, please see the relevant linked pages.
Inventory icon: Key features: The Breakroom Add-on Round Table object includes 10 seats situated around a center conference table.
Inventory icon: Key features: The Breakroom Add-on Stools object features 14 seats in two rows. When users are seated, they will all face the same direction unless the seat orientation is changed using the Region Editor.
Inventory icon: Key features: The Breakroom Add-on Presenters Standing object features nine standing presenter seats—five displayed automatically, and four hidden by default. This means that you can edit the object to add between one and nine presenter seats to a voice zone.
Inventory icon: Key features: The Breakroom Add-on Presenters Chairs object features five presenter chairs.
Inventory icon: Key featuers: The Breakroom Add-on Presenters Sofas object features three sofas with three seated presenter seats each. You can edit the object to remove entire sofas or individual presenter seats from each sofa.