World availability
Need to restrict access to users with advanced permissions, or want to automatically throw open the doors on a particular date? Breakroom makes it easy to secure the borders of your virtual kingdom.
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Need to restrict access to users with advanced permissions, or want to automatically throw open the doors on a particular date? Breakroom makes it easy to secure the borders of your virtual kingdom.
Last updated
Breakroom's World Status toggle allows you to restrict access to your world with the flip of a switch. When your world status is set to Off, only users with advanced permissions will be able to log in. You can also schedule a day and time when your world will automatically become accessible to a larger audience, and post a customized message to keep everyone in the loop.
When your world status is set to Off, only world-level Owners, Administrators, Moderators, and Developers will be able to log in. Members and Guests will no longer have access to your world.
To enable or disable access to your Breakroom world, follow the steps below.
Log in to your Dashboard.
Click on the Settings tab in the left-hand column.
Under the World section, you will see a toggle button. Your world's current status will be displayed above the button. (For example, in the image above, you can see the world status is currently set to On.)
To set your world status to Off, click the World Status toggle button.
A dialogue box will appear. Please enter the date and time you would like your world to go live again. You can also enter an optional message that users will see if they attempt to access your world.
6. After entering the date and time and your optional message, click the Submit button.
7. The dialogue box will disappear. Your chosen world go-live date and time will be displayed, along with your "world offline" message. You will also see your current custom login screen.
Log in to your Dashboard.
Click on the Settings tab in the left-hand column.
Under the World section, you will see a toggle button. Your world's current status will be displayed above the button.
To set your world status to On, click the World Status toggle button.
The text above the toggle button will change to reflect the fact that your world is now live.