Audience questions
The moderator controls allow you to field questions and feedback from event attendees in real time. Assign a Moderator to screen audience questions, and keep the conversation going.
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The moderator controls allow you to field questions and feedback from event attendees in real time. Assign a Moderator to screen audience questions, and keep the conversation going.
Last updated
Breakroom's conference system allows users to direct questions to your event management team. This functionality can be used to facilitate question-and-answer sessions, keep crowds hyped and engaged, or streamline user support—the choice is yours.
If you prefer to use your own system for tracking questions, or if you want to replace the audience question function with a feedback form, polls, etc., you can do so using the Participation button located in the moderator tools.
When a new audience question has been submitted, Moderators will be alerted by the appearance of a green dot next to the Audience questions button in the moderator toolbar.
Clicking the Audience questions button will open the Submitted Questions window. Questions can then reviewed and addressed individually, by any means that is appropriate. A content question may be presented to a guest speaker, while a request for help may be addressed via direct text message.
Clicking the relevant Delete button will remove the question from the Submitted Questions window.