When you upload a custom Region to Breakroom, you'll need to install the conference system components to achieve full functionality. Learn how to set up voice zones, navigation tools, and more.
In this walkthrough, we'll take an empty Breakroom Conference Region template and set up the conference system from scratch, with all the tools necessary to run an event. By following the steps below, you can install the conference system components in any custom Region that you have uploaded.
The instructions provided in this section presume an advanced working knowledge of Breakroom. Please consult our documentation if you need help installing and positioning virtual objects, or editing the RoomFurniture component.
After using the Region Editor to add or edit a voice zone, always remember to click the Reset Zones button to reset the conferencing system. If this doesn't seem to push your changes forward, try saving your work, leaving the Region, and entering it again.
The Breakroom conference system component source files are not available for individual distribution.
The core conference system
The core conference system components are distributed as part of the Breakroom Toolkit. While additional conference system items can be added to your Region (such as the Start Here UI and Emojis), for the purposes of this tutorial we are concerned with five key components.
Breakroom Combined Media Core
The Breakroom Combined Media Core is the backbone of the entire conference system, and is required for the conference system to function. It contains Breakroom's primary tools, such as voice chat, webcam and screen sharing capabilities, as well as the moderator tools.
Breakroom Camera System
The Breakroom Camera System controls all of the camera operations built into the conference system.
Breakroom Gestures Standard
The Breakroom Gestures Standard item contains all the gesture actions built into the conference system.
Finally, the standard 90-seat or 200-seat auditoriums that feature in several of Breakroom's default Region templates are included for your use. These components are optional.
Installing the core components
To install the core components in an empty Region, follow the steps below.
Navigate to the Region you want to edit.
Click the Edit Regionbutton located at the bottom of the screen. This will launch the Region Editor.
Click the Inventory button located at the bottom of the screen. This will open your Inventory window.
Drag the following core components from your Inventory window to the floor near your avatar.
Breakroom Combined Media Core
Breakroom Gestures Standard
Breakroom Camera System
Breakroom Navigation UI
When you are finished, click the Save button.
The positioning of the core components is not important. However, to keep things tidy, it is best practice to position them at 0/0/0. To precisely reposition an object, follow these steps.
While still in the Region Editor, click the Objects button located on the bottom right. This will launch the Objects window.
In the Objects window, click the > arrow located beside the Room Floor heading to expand it.
Click on one of the four core components listed under the Room Floor heading (for example, the Breakroom Combined Media Core). This will launch the Inspector window for that object.
In the Inspector window, click the > arrow next to Transform component to expand it.
Locate the Local Position property. This property contains three fields. Set each field to the numeral 0, for a combined position of 0/0/0.
Repeat these steps for each of the core components.
When you are done installing and editing the core components, click the Save button, followed by the Close button.
After you save your work and close the Region Editor, you will notice that the conference system UI elements are now visible on your screen. This completes basic setup of the conference system. You can now edit and configure the conference system components to meet your needs.
Setting up the default auditorium
We've simplified the setup of some common areas. This includes a 90-seat or 200-seat auditorium with built-in camera and screen positions, as well as its own Presenter voice zone. You can install this item in your Region by following these steps.
Navigate to the Region you want to edit.
Click the Edit Region button at the bottom of the screen.
Click the Inventory button located on the bottom right to open the Inventory window.
Drag the Breakroom Auditorium 90 / 200 object from the Inventory window to the floor near your avatar.
Click the Save button.
You can now use the Region Editor to position the auditorium as necessary. When positioning is complete, click the Save button again to store your changes.
Editing the presenter seats
Both auditorium objects are configured to work "out of the box," with all conference system communication and navigation functions built in. After positioning the entire auditorium object, the only thing you'll need to do is edit the presenter seats to meet your needs. In a Presenter zone, only the individuals who sit on the presenter seats will be able to turn on their webcams or share their computer screens.
To edit the presenter seats, follow these steps.
While still in the Region Editor, click the Objects button located on the bottom right. This will launch the Objects window.
In the Objects window, click the > arrow located beside the Room Floor heading to expand it.
Locate the Breakroom Auditorium 90 / 200 object. Click the > arrow to expand it.
Locate the Presenters object and click on it. This will launch the Inspector window for that object. Selecting this object will also isolate and highlight the presenter seats.
You can now move the presenter seats to your desired location by hand-keying values into the Transform component or by using the Region Editor positioning tools. When you're happy with your changes, make sure to click the Save button.
Disabling and enabling presenter seats
The default auditorium objects come with 9 built-in presenter seats. You can customize how many seats appear by following these steps.
Click the Edit Regionbutton at the bottom of the screen.
Click the Objects button located on the bottom right. This will launch the Objects window.
In the Objects window, click the > arrow located beside the Room Floor heading to expand it.
Locate the Breakroom Auditorium 90 / 200 object. Click the > arrow to expand it.
Locate the Presenters object. Click the > arrow again to expand it.
To disable seats: Click the eye icon located to the right of any enabled presenter seat. The icon will turn gray and the blue seat tag will disappear in-world.
To enable seats: Click the eye icon located to the right of any disabled presenter seat. The icon will turn white and the blue seat tag will appear in-world.
If you sit on one of the presenter seat tags while the Region Editor is closed, then open the Region Editor while remaining seated, your avatar will travel with the presenter seat tags when you position them. This is a useful quality check to ensure that your avatar is facing the right way and isn't sinking into the floor.
Setting up breakout rooms and voice zones
Breakroom's prefab breakout rooms and booths, like the default auditorium objects discussed above, come pre-equipped with seats, gestures, voice zones, and teleport UI functionality. These convenient virtual areas are designed to set themselves up; all you need to do is add them to your Region using the Region Editor.
Custom voice zones are blank voice zones that can be placed wherever you like in your Region. They can contain any items or features you choose, and can even be nested. You can edit the RoomFurniture component so they appear in the Breakout Rooms panel, or you can direct any button in the General Navigation panel to teleport users to a custom voice zone.
Customizing the General Navigation panel
The General Navigation panel contains quick teleport links to key areas in the event Region. If seats are available, you will be seated automatically upon arrival.
Target location
Teleports your avatar to the auditorium.
Teleports your avatar to the Region entrance or to a designated information booth.
Teleports your avatar to the designated lounge or networking area.
Teleports your avatar to the main "floor" of the event (e.g. vendor booths, game area).
Note: The following instructions apply only to a General Navigation panel that you have installed in your own blank Region. You cannot edit the General Navigation panels that come pre-installed in Breakroom's Region templates.
Removing buttons from the General Navigation panel
You can remove one or more buttons from the General Navigation panel by following these steps.
Click the Edit Region button at the bottom of the screen.
Click the Objects button located on the bottom right. This will launch the Objects window.
In the Objects window, click the > arrow located beside the Room Floor heading to expand it.
Locate the Breakroom Navigation UI object. Click the > arrow to expand it.
Locate the Crowd Manager Navigation UI object. Click the > arrow again to expand it.
Locate the Canvas object. Click the > arrow again to expand it.
Locate the General Navigation object. Click the > arrow again to expand it.
You will see the General Navigation panel buttons (highlighted above).
To disable buttons: Click the eye icon located to the right of any enabled button. The icon will turn gray and the button will disappear in-world.
To enable seats: Click the eye icon located to the right of any disabled button. The icon will turn white and the button will appear in-world.
Click the Save button to store your changes.
Click the Reset Zones button to reset the conference system.
Changing the General Navigation panel landing zones
If you like, you can change the location that each button in the General Navigation panel points to. This can be done either by repositioning the landmark objects within Region Editor, or by editing a voice zone's RoomFurniture component. Both sets of instructions are offered below.
Repositioning the landmark objects in Region Editor
Click the Edit Region button at the bottom of the screen.
Click the Objects button located on the bottom right. This will launch the Objects window.
In the Objects window, click the > arrow located beside the Room Floor heading to expand it.
Locate the Breakroom Combined Media Core object. Click the > arrow to expand it.
Locate the Crowd Manager Core object. Click the > arrow again to expand it.
Locate the Landmarks object. Click the > arrow again to expand it.
You will see the General Navigation panel landmark objects (highlighted above). Click on the name of the landmark you would like to move (e.g., Entrance).
Physically reposition the landmark object within the Region using the Region Editor tools, or by entering the appropriate values in that object's Transform component.
Click the Save button to store your changes.
Click the Reset Zonesbutton to reset the conference system.
Editing the RoomFurniture component
Using this method, you can point any button in the General Navigation panel to a custom voice zone or a prefab breakout area of your choice.
Click the Edit Regionbutton at the bottom of the screen.
Click the Objects button located on the bottom right. This will launch the Objects window.
In the Objects window, click the > arrow located beside the Room Floor heading to expand it.
Locate the voice zone or prefab breakout area you want to edit, and click on it. The Inspector window will launch.
In the Inspector window, click the > arrow located next to the RoomFurniture component to expand it.
Locate the Zone Name property. Type in the name of the General Navigation bar button you would like to point to this voice zone (e.g., Auditorium, Entrance, Networking, or Floor).
Click the Save button to store your changes.
Click the Reset Zones button to reset the conference system.
If you use this method, the landmark object associated with the Zone Name (Auditorium, Entrance, Networking, or Floor) will be overridden. There is no need to manually disable it. However, if you would like to use that landmark object again, you will need to rename any custom voice zones or breakout areas using its name.
Advanced navigation system configuration
Breakroom's conference system contains multiple navigation tools.
The Breakout Rooms panel, located in the top right corner, displays a teleport button for each voice zone that includes the prefix "Breakout" in its Zone Name property. (For example, Breakout 1, Breakout 2, etc.) When you add a prefab breakout area to a Region, an associated teleport button will automatically appear in the Breakout Rooms panel. You can also edit the Breakout Rooms panel manually.
In addition to these navigation panels, there is a third: the Areas of Interest panel.
This panel is visible on the right side of the screen only when activated. The Areas of Interest panel can teleport users to any voice zone that has the "Zone Visible" option enabled in its RoomFurniture component. Zones already linked in either the General Navigation panel or Breakout Rooms panel will be ignored by the Areas of Interest panel. This makes it a flexible solution for offering teleport options to your users.
When speaking about these three navigation tools in aggregate, two new options emerge for advanced Region configuration:
Removing navigation tools from the Region entirely
Activating and customizing the Areas of Interest panel
Removing navigation tools from a Region
To enable or disable the three individual tools that make up Breakroom's navigation system, follow these steps.
Click the Edit Region button at the bottom of the screen.
Click the Objects button located at the bottom right. This will launch the Objects window.
In the Objects window, click the > arrow located beside the Room Floor heading to expand it.
Locate the Breakroom Navigation UI object and click on it. The Inspector window will launch.
In the Inspector window, click on the > arrow next to the RoomFurniture component to expand it.
You will see three properties listed under the RoomFurniture component:
Navigation Breakouts: This refers to the Breakout Rooms bar.
Navigation General: This refers to the General Navigation bar.
Navigation Others: This refers to the Areas of Interest panel.
If you want a menu to appear in your Region, type "yes" into the corresponding field. If you want to remove a particular menu from your Region, type "no" into the field.
Click the Save button to store your changes.
Click the Reset Zones button to reset the conference system.
The Areas of Interest panel
If you choose to make the Areas of Interest panel visible to your users, you can follow the instructions below to populate it with clickable teleport buttons.
Click the Edit Regionbutton at the bottom of the screen.
Click the Objects button located at the bottom right. This will launch the Objects window.
In the Objects window, click the > arrow located beside the Room Floor heading to expand it.
Locate the breakout area or Breakroom Voice Zone object you want to include under Areas of Interest, and click on it. The Inspector window will launch.
In the Inspector window, click on the > arrow next to the RoomFurniture component to expand it.
There are two key properties listed under the RoomFurniture component that you will need to edit:
Zone Name: This is the name of your area, and the name that will appear in the corresponding teleport button in the Areas of Interest panel. (For example, "Coffee Bar.")
Zone Visible: This property governs whether the zone is listed under the Areas of Interest panel. Type "yes" into the field if you want the zone to be added to the panel. Type "no" into the field if you want to remove the voice zone from all panels.
Click the Save button to store your changes.
Click the Reset Zones button to reset the conference system.
Pictured: The Breakroom Combined Media Core icon.
Pictured: The Breakroom Camera System icon.
Pictured: The Breakroom Gestures Standard icon.
Pictured: The Breakroom Navigation UI icon.
Pictured: The Breakroom Auditorium 90 / 200 icon.
Pictured: The Region Editor in an empty Region, with the Inventory and Objects windows open. The location of the Inventory button is highlighted.
Pictured: The four key components of the conference system, highlighted in an example Inventory window.
Pictured: The Objects and Inspector windows, with the Local Position property highlighted.
Pictured: The Breakroom Auditorium 90 object placed in a Region, as viewed through Region Editor.
Pictured: The Breakroom Auditorium 90 object, successfully positioned within an auditorium area.
Pictured: The Breakroom Combined Media Core, highlighted in the Objects window.
Pictured: The location of the Presenters object, highlighted in the Objects window.
Pictured: An example of how presenter seats may appear on a stage.
Pictured: The Presenters object, expanded and highlighted in the Objects window.
Pictured: An avatar "seated" on a presenter seat while in Region Editor. Note the movement gizmo.
Pictured: Custom voice zones being edited in the Region Editor.
Highlighted: The location of the General Navigation bar buttons.
Pictured: The Landmarks object expanded and highlighted.
Pictured: The invisible Entrance landmark object being moved. Note the movement gizmo.
Pictured: The Objects and Inspector windows in the Region Editor, with a custom voice zone selected.
Pictured: An example of the Areas of Interest teleport panel.
Pictured: The Objects and Inspector windows in the Region Editor, with the Breakroom Navigation UI object selected.
Pictured: The Objects and Inspector windows in the Region Editor, with a Breakroom Voice Zone object selected.