Troubleshooting network ports and firewalls

World Stream uses standard web technologies such as WebRTC and Websockets. On particularly robust corporate or educational networks, you may need to whitelist these services.

This information is intended for System Administrators. If you are not listed as an Administrator on your network, the information covered on this page may not be useful for you. In these cases, we suggest that you consult our World Stream and audio/video troubleshooting guides.

Basic World Stream functionality

World Stream access is provided by AWS and Furioos, both of which use a variety of locations for delivery. In order for World Stream to be delivered, you will need to whitelist the following domains:








Additionally, please enable outbound UDP and TCP traffic on ports 443, 8433, and 53.

AWS is our default World Stream provider. You can learn more about AWS allowed domains by visiting this page.

If you encounter problems with WebRTC, you can perform a WebRTC test at

Users attempting to connect to Breakroom from behind an aggressive firewall may run into issues, as they will have limited access to the internet. In these cases, a commercial TURN server may provide the necessary solution.

Breakroom services

For efficient use of Breakroom and its associated websites, we recommend that you whitelist the following addresses:





For World Stream voice services to work properly, you will need to whitelist the following addresses:




Additionally, please enable incoming and outgoing UDP and TCP traffic on ports 443, 3478, and 5349, to and from *, *

Note for Google Chrome Enterprise users: If your Group Policies include an enabledDefaultMediaStreamSetting_BlockAccesssetting, voice and video services will not work, even for passive listening.

For Breakroom clients using the standalone desktop application (not on World Stream), you will also need to whitelist *

An important note concerning voice chat

Voice capabilities are currently restricted by login method. This means that if one user is logged in via World Stream and another user is logged in via a Breakroom desktop viewer, they will not be able to hear each other over voice chat, even if they are standing in the same Region.

Users who log in via the same method can communicate freely. Therefore, we strongly suggest that you take this into consideration when planning your events, and require all guests to use either World Stream or the desktop app.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope to provide a solution soon.

Webcam and screen share

Webcam and screen share functionality are delivered by Agora. For World Stream to work properly, you will need to whitelist the following domains:

And the following ports on those domains:

TCP/80; 443; 3433; 5668; 5669; 4700 - 5000; 6080; 6443; 8667; 9667; 30011 - 30013 UDP/3478; 4700 - 5000

Agora provides a basic testing service, which is available here.

Last updated