Hidden UI toggle
Moderators have access to UI components that may be otherwise disabled for general users. Learn how to access hidden UI functionality in order to assist with events.
Last updated
Moderators have access to UI components that may be otherwise disabled for general users. Learn how to access hidden UI functionality in order to assist with events.
Last updated
Depending on the needs of a particular event, World Owners may elect to disable certain portions of Breakroom's UI, such as avatar customization or text chat. Moderators still have access to these disabled UI components, however, and can toggle them on or off by clicking the UI Toggle button located in the moderator tools (highlighted above).
Being able to access hidden portions of the UI offers many benefits for event coordinators. For example, a World Owner may decide to turn off the Shop button for general users, preventing them from purchasing avatar components and other Inventory items. However, a Moderator may need to restore their personal Shop functionality in order to purchase decorative items or furniture for an event.