Default Landing and Orientation Regions

By making key decisions about your Default Landing Regions, your users can log in to an orientation zone, a friendly welcome center, or the heart of the action.


Default Landing and Orientation Regions are the areas where users will arrive upon login. Default Landing Regions can be used to funnel users toward a specific area, or to distribute visitor "traffic" across multiple arrival points. Orientation Regions allow World Owners and World Administrators to activate a no-code, interactive presentation for newcomers so they can hit the virtual ground running.

Default Landing Regions

Default Landing Regions can be as unique as your Breakroom World. You could make your Default Landing Region the main gathering point of your event—for example, a bustling exposition hall. You could also make your Default Landing Region something fun and casual, providing new users with a safe place to explore Breakroom's features and customize their avatars.

If you prefer, you can enable multiple Default Landing Regions in the same World. In such cases, users will be evenly distributed between your active Default Landing Regions. This can be a convenient way to manage crowd logistics, especially if you are running a Metaverse event that calls for many people to log in at the same time.

By default, Regions can accommodate up to 500 simultaneous users.

Activating a Default Landing Region

After creating and enabling a Region, you can make it a Default Landing Region by following these steps.

  1. Navigate to your Dashboard.

  2. Click on the World Customization > Regions tab.

  3. Locate the Region you want to turn into a Default Landing Region. (Tip: If you know the Region name, you can enter it into the search field.)

    1. When you find the Region you want to use, make sure that the "Enable Region" option is toggled on.

  4. Click on the vertical ellipses icon in the Region card. In the action menu that appears, toggle the "Set as Default Landing" option on.

  5. If you already have a Default Landing Region, a pop-up will appear asking you to confirm whether you want to create an additional Default Landing Region. Click the Confirm button to do so.

On the Dashboard, Default Landing Regions will be indicated by a house icon in the top left corner of the Region card, as pictured below.

Deactivating a Default Landing Region

To deactivate a Default Landing Region, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to your Dashboard.

  2. Click on the World Customization > Regions tab.

  3. Locate the Default Landing Region you want to deactivate. (Tip: If you know the Region name, you can enter it into the search field.)

  4. Click on the vertical ellipses icon in the Region card. In the action menu that appears, toggle the "Set as Default Landing" option off.

Note: You must always have at least one active Default Landing Region. Your final Default Landing Region is protected, and cannot be disabled or deleted. To disable it, you will first need to appoint another Region as its replacement. To delete a Default Landing Region, you will first need to toggle its "Set as Default Landing" status to off.

Orientation Regions

If you want to provide platform training for first-time Breakroom users, you can create one or more Orientation Regions using the Breakroom Orientation Quest. First-time users will be directed toward one of your Orientation Regions upon login, and will not be able to exit that Region until they have successfully completed the orientation program.

Instructions for installing the Breakroom Orientation Quest can be found in our Toolkit documentation. After you have added the Breakroom Orientation Quest object to a Region, you can then finish setup by following the steps below.

Activating an Orientation Region

After creating and enabling a Region and installing the Breakroom Orientation Quest object, you can make it an official Orientation Region by following these steps.

  1. Navigate to your Dashboard.

  2. Click on the World Customization > Regions tab.

  3. Locate the Region you want to turn into an Orientation Region. (Tip: If you know the Region name, you can enter it into the search field.)

    1. When you find the Region you want to use, make sure that the "Enable Region" option is toggled on.

  4. Click on the vertical ellipses icon in the Region card. In the action menu that appears, toggle the "Set as Orientation" option on.

  5. If you already have an Orientation Region, a pop-up will appear asking you to confirm whether you want to create an additional Orientation Region. Click the Confirm button to do so.

On the Dashboard, Orientation Regions will be indicated by a signpost icon in the top left corner of the Region card, as pictured below.

Deactivating an Orientation Region

To deactivate an Orientation Region, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to your Dashboard.

  2. Click on the World Customization > Regions tab.

  3. Locate the Orientation Region you want to deactivate. (Tip: If you know the Region name, you can enter it into the search field.)

  4. Click on the vertical ellipses icon in the Region card. In the action menu that appears, toggle the "Set as Orientation" option off.

    1. If you only have one Orientation Region, a pop-up will appear asking you to confirm your decision. Click the Confirm button to do so.

Last updated