Toggling World availability
Need to restrict access to users with advanced permissions, or want to automatically throw open the doors on a particular date? Breakroom makes it easy to secure the borders of your virtual kingdom.
Last updated
Need to restrict access to users with advanced permissions, or want to automatically throw open the doors on a particular date? Breakroom makes it easy to secure the borders of your virtual kingdom.
Last updated
Breakroom's World Status toggle allows you to restrict access to your World with the flip of a switch. When your World status is set to Off, only users with advanced permissions will be able to log in. You can also schedule a day and time when your world will automatically become accessible to a larger audience, and post a customized message to keep everyone in the loop.
When your world status is set to Off, only World Owners, World Administrators, World Moderators, and World Developers will be able to log in. Members and Guests will no longer have access.
Only World Owners and World Administrators can access the Dashboard.
To take your World offline, follow these steps.
Navigate to your Dashboard.
Click on the Settings tab.
Toggle the World switch to Off, and the Take World Offline window will open. In this window you can:
Select a World Online date and time (required): This is the time that your Breakroom World will once again become accessible. This time will be displayed to users who try to log in while your World is offline.
Enter a World Offline Notice (optional): In addition to your chosen go-live time, this notice will be displayed to users who try to access your World while it is offline.
Enter a User Ejection Notice (optional): This notice will be displayed to online users before they are ejected from your World.
Select any User Types to Be Ejected (optional): All online users of the selected types will be forcibly logged out once your World goes offline.
Once you're satisfied, click the Take World Offline button. You will be asked to confirm your choice.
Once your World is offline, the Settings tab will change to display your chosen go-live time and offline message. You can change these at any time by clicking the relevant Edit links. A link is also provided so that you can change your World's login screen to a temporary placeholder, as this can assist with messaging.
To bring your World back online before your specified go-live time, follow these steps.
Navigate to your Dashboard.
Click on the Settings tab.
Toggle the World switch to On, and confirm your choice by clicking the Bring World Online button.