Breakroom Orientation Quest
Get your users up to speed fast with the Breakroom Orientation Quest. When added to a Region, new users can rock a crash course in Metaverse logistics and communication—all with a few clicks.
Last updated
Get your users up to speed fast with the Breakroom Orientation Quest. When added to a Region, new users can rock a crash course in Metaverse logistics and communication—all with a few clicks.
Last updated
The Breakroom Orientation Quest offers a personalized, self-paced tutorial experience for users who need help getting around, changing their avatar, and activating their microphone. Located high in the sky, the Orientation Zone can serve as a relaxed, quiet place for new users to get away from the hubbub and get their virtual feet under them.
The Breakroom Orientation Quest is a single, self-contained object that can be installed in any Region. If you need help, please review our information on using the Region Editor.
This object is invisible—you can place it anywhere. However, we encourage you to locate it at 0,0,0 in your region by manually editing the Transform component.
The Breakroom Orientation Quest is built using our Quest System. If you're interested in building your own custom quests, please see our Quest System documentation.
When users enter a Region that contains the Breakroom Orientation Quest, they'll be welcomed with a pop-up reminding them how to get around. After reviewing this information, they can click the Close button to dismiss the pop-up, or click the Orientation Quest button to teleport to the Orientation Zone.
Completing the Orientation Quest is fairly straightforward—helpful robot guides will walk users through every step. Users will learn how to select a starter avatar, how to move through the Metaverse, how to use their microphones to talk on voice chat, and how spatial audio works. If at any time they wish to exit the quest, they can do so by clicking the Go Back button located in the top left corner of the screen.
By installing the Breakroom Orientation Quest in an official Orientation Region, you can make the quest mandatory for all new users. Users will arrive in your Orientation Region, and will not be allowed to exit the Region until they have completed the tutorial.
In your Inventory, you'll see the Breakroom Orientation Quest represented by this icon: