Addressing duplicate zone errors
While setting up your breakout areas and voice zones, you may encounter duplicate zone errors in the Region Editor. Read on for information about what these errors mean and how to fix them.
Last updated
While setting up your breakout areas and voice zones, you may encounter duplicate zone errors in the Region Editor. Read on for information about what these errors mean and how to fix them.
Last updated
The prefab breakout areas and custom voice zone objects included with your Breakroom subscription are designed to set themselves up automatically. When added to a region, each object should assign itself a unique Zone ID and Zone Name. However, occasionally you may run into situations where two or more voice zones are assigned the same information.
In these situations, the Region Editor will display a warning panel in the lower middle portion of the screen. Depending on the type of information that has been duplicated, you may see a Duplicate Zone ID warning, a Duplicate Zone Name warning, or both.
Clicking on either warning will trigger beacons designed to help you locate the conflicting voice zones. You can then make any necessary changes.
If the Region Editor displays a Duplicate Zone ID warning, it means that two or more breakout areas or voice zones are assigned the same Zone ID. You can learn more about Zone IDs here, but the key things to remember are:
A Zone ID identifies the breakout area or voice zone as a self-contained media point.
If two voice zones are assigned the same Zone ID, then users located in those two zones can hear one another over voice chat, see each other over webcam, etc., even if the voice zones are located a good distance from each other. This may result in cross-chatter and confusion.
To change a breakout area or voice zone's Zone ID, follow these steps.
Log in to your Breakroom world and navigate your avatar to the region you would like to edit.
Open the Region Editor by clicking the Edit Region button at the bottom of your screen.
Click the Objects Button to launch the Objects window.
In the Objects window, locate the Breakroom Breakout Area or Breakroom Voice Zone object you want to edit. (Tip: You can use the search field at the top of the window to search for a specific object.) Click on the object name to launch the Inspector window.
In the Inspector window, locate the RoomFurniture component. Expand this component by clicking the > arrow located to the left of its name.
In the Zone ID field, enter the ID number you want to use.
Click the Save button to store your changes.
Click the Reset Zones button to reset the conferencing system.
Remember: Clicking on the Duplicate Zone ID warning will trigger highlight beacons over both duplicate zones.
If the Region Editor displays a Duplicate Zone Name warning, it means that two or more breakout areas or voice zones are assigned the same Zone Name. Zone Names mainly serve to identify or label destinations that will appear in the Breakout Rooms bar and the Areas of Interest panel.
To change a breakout area or voice zone's Zone Name, follow these steps.
Log in to your Breakroom world and navigate your avatar to the region you would like to edit.
Open the Region Editor by clicking the Edit Region button at the bottom of your screen.
Click the Objects Button to launch the Objects window.
In the Objects window, locate the Breakroom Breakout Area or Breakroom Voice Zone object you want to edit. (Tip: You can use the search field at the top of the window to search for a specific object.) Click on the object name to launch the Inspector window.
In the Inspector window, locate the RoomFurniture component. Expand this component by clicking the > arrow located to the left of its name.
In the Zone Name field, enter the name you want to use.
Click the Save button to store your changes.
Click the Reset Zones button to reset the conferencing system.
Remember: Clicking on the Duplicate Zone Name warning will trigger highlight beacons over both duplicate zones.