Testing items on the preview server
For best results, we recommend testing custom items and regions before "pushing them to live." Learn how to access your creations on Breakroom's preview server for preliminary testing and QA.
Last updated
For best results, we recommend testing custom items and regions before "pushing them to live." Learn how to access your creations on Breakroom's preview server for preliminary testing and QA.
Last updated
When developing regions, clothing, or other content for your Breakroom world (hereafter referred to as a grid), you may want to run a final quality check before offering these items to your guests. This is where the preview server comes into play. The preview server gives grid Owners (and other users with appropriate permissions) a safe place to test their team's creations before publishing them on the live grid.
Content uploaded for use in Breakroom starts off on the preview server, and remains there until a grid Owner, Administrator, or Developer pushes it to the live server using Curator's content management tools. The preview server is not linked to the live server where your guests log in, so changes can be made and content can be re-uploaded as many times as required.
World Owners, Administrators, and Developers can review and approve content uploaded to the preview server. If you grant a user Administrator or Developer permissions, they will need to log in to Curator and accept the Terms and Conditions before they can access the preview server. Please see this page for more information about assigning and managing user permissions.
When you log in to the preview server, you will find any items that you have personally uploaded in your inventory. If you would like to test an item another user has uploaded, you will need to use the Add to Inventory function available through Curator to get a copy.
You must log in to the preview server using your world's custom desktop application. World Stream access is not available at this time.
To begin, launch the application and wait for it to display the login screen. In the bottom right corner of the screen, locate the Settings button.
Click the Settings button to open the Settings panel. Click the UI tab on the left-hand side, and then check the "Enable Login to Preview" option.
Close the Settings panel, and you will see that a "Login to Preview Server" option has appeared in the login panel. To access the preview server, check this box and log in as normal.
The preview server is designed to be used as a testing area, so that you can examine and troubleshoot items and 3D models prior to making them available on the live server.
Furniture items placed in preview regions using the Region Editor will not be sent to the live grid when you push the region to live.
After uploading clothing or furniture for testing, log in to the preview server with your normal user credentials. You will find your uploaded items in your inventory.
Regions uploaded for testing can be found by clicking the Regions button.