Filtering the Breakroom Shop
Control what your users see, wear, and spend in Breakroom. Here you'll find more information about filtering the Shop to meet your specific needs, as well as a discussion of Silver and Gold currency.
Last updated
Control what your users see, wear, and spend in Breakroom. Here you'll find more information about filtering the Shop to meet your specific needs, as well as a discussion of Silver and Gold currency.
Last updated
Just because you've chosen to open the Breakroom Shop doors doesn't mean you need to relinquish control over what your users see and purchase. By customizing the Shop filters, you can limit your users to purchasing additional avatar components only from our pre-screened collections. World Owners and World Administrators can change these filters at any time through the Dashboard.
It's important to note that without one or more Shop filters enabled, users will have access to everything currently listed for sale in the Breakroom Shop. If you enable a filter, only items within that category will be displayed in the Shop. Multiple filters can be activated at the same time.
Navigate to your Dashboard.
Click on the World Customization > Features tab.
Scroll down to the "Filter your Shop" panel. Check the box beside each collection you want to make available to your users.
Click the Save Changes button.
Category contents
Business Wear
Formal business attire and avatar components (e.g. hair, skins).
Semi Formal
Business casual attire and avatar components.
"Fantasy" attire and avatar components (e.g. wings, fangs).
Low Poly
Self-contained low poly avatars, with no separate attire or accessory options.
As noted in our Getting Started section, Breakroom offers two types of currency for use in your World: Silver and Gold.
Silver is Breakroom's in-world promotional currency, and cannot be exchanged for legal tender. Each user will receive a gift of Silver upon joining Breakroom. Additional Silver can be earned by completing quests and engaging in other activities.
Gold is a premium currency that can be purchased (and in limited cases, exchanged) for legal tender. Some Breakroom Shop items can only be purchased with Gold currency. In order to make these items available to your users, you will need to give your users a Gold "allowance," or make it possible for them to purchase quantities of Gold with their own money.
You can enable or disable the UI currency displays and associated purchase buttons through the Dashboard. To do so, follow the steps below.
Navigate to your Dashboard.
Click on the World Customization > Features tab.
Scroll down to the "Currencies" panel.
If you wish to disable all of the currency displays, uncheck the box labeled Currency.
Alternatively, if you want to disable the Gold display alone, uncheck the box labeled Gold Purchase.
Click the Save Changes button.
Disabling the currency displays will not affect the current contents of your users' wallets. If users have a Gold or Silver balance, they will still be able to use this money if you give them access to the Shop.