Using the Region Editor
Breakroom lets you build your Metaverse, your way. Use the Region Editor to add and remove objects, edit Region sky presets, and undo your work so you can start all over again.
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Breakroom lets you build your Metaverse, your way. Use the Region Editor to add and remove objects, edit Region sky presets, and undo your work so you can start all over again.
Last updated
The Region Editor gives users with advanced World- or Region-level permissions the ability to edit existing Regions and any items that they contain. Plaster your exhibition hall with eye-catching posters, brand your vendor booths, or add appealing personal touches like potted plants and comfy sofas—with the Region Editor, almost anything is possible.
The videos, images, and tables below are designed to serve as a basic overview of the Region Editor. After you've grown comfortable accessing the Region Editor and utilizing the various tools it contains, you can expand your skillset by reviewing the additional pages in this section. There you'll learn more about editing and moving objects, and explore some of the Region Editor's advanced settings, such as creating custom atmospheric and sky effects and swapping out materials.
You can open the Region Editor by clicking the Edit Region button in the bottom toolbar.
Once the Region Editor is launched, you'll see that it replaces the normal Breakroom UI on your screen. The tools in the Region Editor give you the ability to inspect and edit different parts of your Region. Let's take a look at each part of the Region Editor UI in greater detail.
The Objects window lists all of the virtual objects in your Region. These objects are sorted onto different floors, depending on who added them and when they were added.
The room floor (labeled "Floor_roomfloor" in the image above) contains any conference system components that you have permission to remove or edit, as well as any objects that you have manually placed in the Region.
Meanwhile, the Region floor (here labeled "Breakroom Gallery") contains the individual 3D assets used to build the Region template. The contents of this floor will vary.
Region floor objects were uploaded into Breakroom as a whole, as part of one cohesive Region. You may be able to toggle visibility on some of these objects, or edit their settings if the original Region uploader elected to make that possible. However, you may not be able to make changes to all of the Region floor components.
All Breakroom Region templates contain a HIDDEN FLOOR as part of the Region floor. This floor contains the essential conference system components, and cannot be deleted or edited.
In the Objects window, you'll notice that the room and Region floors have different icon sets associated with them. Here's a quick breakdown of what those icons mean.
Toggling this icon changes the object's visibility without deleting it. If disabled, the object will not render (be visible to users), and any scripts it contains will not run.
Toggling this icon locks or unlocks an item. Locked items cannot be moved from their current position, and no further changes can be made to their components.
Clicking this icon deletes the item from the Region.
Toggling this icon changes the object's visibility without deleting it. If disabled, the object will not render (be visible to users), and any scripts it contains will not run.
Toggling this icon locks or unlocks an item. Locked items cannot be moved from their current position, and no further changes can be made to their components.
Clicking this icon reloads an item so that any changes will be pushed forward.
You can use the Objects type drop-down menu located at the top of the Objects window to filter your objects list. You can also search for a specific object using the search field.
The Inspector window shows more specific information about the individual objects that make up your Region. You can open the Inspector window by clicking on an object while in the Region Editor, or by clicking on that object's name in the Objects window.
In the image above, a breakout room has been selected as the active object. You can see that the object is surrounded by a green collider box, and a movement gizmo is hovering inside. In the Inspector window, you can see that this object contains a number of components. Expanding a component reveals details about this particular breakout room, such as its location and scale.
The Inspector window is an advanced tool that generally tells you what components exist within or on a selected object. If the object is a seat, it will contain a Seat Position component. If the object is a solid wall, it will have a Collider component so that avatars can't pass through it. If the object contains a Lua script, it will have a Script Runtime component attached to it. These individual components can be examined, managed, and potentially modified via the Inspector window.
All objects contain a Transform component which allows you to alter their rotation, position, and scale. This is useful to know, as it gives you a great amount of control over where objects appear in your Region.
At the top of the window, you will notice an On/Off toggle labeled with the object's name, as well as an "Is Active" checkbox option. These controls are the same. If the toggle is on/box is checked, the object is active and will be rendered and scripted in your Region as normal. If the toggle is off/box is unchecked, the object (and all of its children) will not be rendered or scripted for users.
The Inventory window lists all of the virtual objects you currently own. There are two ways to place an object in your Region while using the Region Editor.
Left click on the item in your Inventory window, and then hover your cursor over the ground in your Region. You will see the item appear in real time. The item will follow your cursor, allowing you to position it. Click the left mouse button when you want to set the item down.
Left click and hold on the item in your Inventory window, and drag it into the Region. Release the left mouse button, and your item will be placed in the indicated position.
You can switch between Icon view and List view in the Inventory window by clicking the pink View button (highlighted in the image above). You can also use the Search field to find any items you need.
The Breakroom Toolkit includes video players, web browsers, posters, and other media and branding assets to place wherever you like. You can also find unique items to dress up your Regions in the Sine Wave Shop—such as stylish pieces of furniture, works of art, or quirky conversation starters.
Advanced settings can be accessed by clicking the Advanced button located in the function button tray. By editing these settings, you can:
Change who owns the room floor
Change or reset Region materials *
Change or reset Region lighting *
Enable or disable Region options *
Reset the Region as a whole
Please see our Advanced window page for more information.
Some Advanced window settings, including swappable materials, are only available on certain Breakroom Region templates.
The buttons in this tray are designed to help you move and manipulate the virtual objects that make up your Region. From left to right, here's a brief overview of what each button does. You can find more comprehensive information about these tools on our dedicated object editing page.
Activates the movement gizmo, allowing you to move an object. (You can also toggle this by pressing the W key on your keyboard.)
Activates the rotate gizmo, allowing you to rotate an object. (You can also toggle this by pressing the E key on your keyboard.)
Activates the scale gizmo, allowing you to resize an object. (You can also toggle this by pressing the R key on your keyboard.)
Node Mode
If node mode is activated and "snap nodes" have been installed in both a Region and an object, then objects will naturally snap into place when you move them.
Grid Mode
With grid mode activated, you can orient objects on a local grid.
Move Object to Camera
Moves the currently selected object to your camera position.
Local Mode / Global Mode Toggle
With local mode activated, objects can be moved relative to their own position and rotation. With global mode activated, objects can be moved relative to the Region itself.
Center / Mesh Pivot Toggle
With center mode activated, gizmos will appear within the object's bounding box (or at their "center of mass"). With mesh pivot mode activated, gizmos will appear at the object's pivot point.
Undo your last action.
Redo your last undone action.
Avatar Move
If enabled, this feature locks your avatar into place while you edit the Region. Disabling it gives you the freedom to move your avatar around the Region as you edit.
If you have no object selected, the buttons pictured above will not appear. Once you select an object, these buttons will give you the option to delete the object, duplicate it, or deselect all of your currently selected objects.
You can also delete a selected object by pressing the Delete key on your keyboard. You can duplicate a selected object by pressing Ctrl + D.
Finally, the Region Editor function buttons let you manage the windows described above and push your changes forward. From left to right, here's a brief overview of what each button does.
Launches the Terrain editing window.
Floor menu
Saves your Region editing progress.
Closes the Region Editor. You will be asked whether you want to save your changes.
Reset Zones
Toggles voice zone/object collider visibility. Useful for when you want to edit the objects inside a voice zone without running into camera issues.
Calls up the .
Calls up the .
Calls up the .
Launches the .
Allows you to select which items will be placed on. Set the drop-down menu to your desired floor, and any objects you set out will be "filed" under that floor in the Objects window.
Resets all (and related navigation UIs) in order to push forward any changes made in the Region Editor.