Creating and copying avatar shapes
Need to create a clothing item that can alter the body shape of those who wear it? Learn how to create, copy, and apply body shapes created in Breakroom to clothing items in Unity.
Last updated
Need to create a clothing item that can alter the body shape of those who wear it? Learn how to create, copy, and apply body shapes created in Breakroom to clothing items in Unity.
Last updated
Body shapes can be created in Breakroom using the Outfit window. Body shape data can then be copied and added to clothing items in Unity, which will change the body shape of the user when the item is worn.
Within our advanced documentation, you may see different words used to describe the same concept or tool. This is because Breakroom is based on the Sinespace virtual world platform. Please be aware of the following:
When you install the Breakroom SDK, you may notice that certain tools and menus refer to Sinespace, Sinespace components, or the Sinespace SDK. This is normal and has no effect on performance.
When testing and uploading virtual items, you may see documentation, menus, and buttons that refer to Breakroom Worlds as grids.
The instructions provided in this section presume an advanced working knowledge of Breakroom, virtual assets, and third-party 3D software. Please consult our documentation if you need help installing and positioning virtual objects, or editing the RoomFurniture component.
Only World Owners, World Administrators, and World Developers can upload custom items to Breakroom.
The tools under the Outfit window > Appearance tab can be used to create a custom avatar shape. Avatar customization is covered in greater detail in our Getting Started section, but the steps below will serve as a quick-start guide for creating a new outfit and editing your avatar shape.
Open the Outfit window by clicking the Outfit button in the bottom toolbar.
Click the Create New Outfit button located at the bottom of the preview window.
A pop-up will appear, prompting you to select a basic body morphology. Make your choice by clicking either the Masculine or Feminine button.
Enter a name for your new outfit, and click the Save button.
Once your new outfit is set up, click on the Appearance tab. Use the presets available under the Appearance tab and the face and body sliders available under the Details tab to create your desired head and body shape.
When you are happy with your shape, click the Save button.
Masculine and feminine body shape templates differ in how they are set up. Therefore, body shapes that have been created for one gender template will not work when applied to an outfit built on the other gender template.
To copy Breakroom body shape data to your computer clipboard, follow these steps.
Open the Outfit window by clicking the Outfit button in the bottom toolbar.
Click on the Appearance > Details tab.
Click the "Copy your current body shape to clipboard" button located at the top of the Head tab.
To apply the copied Breakroom body shape data to a clothing item in Unity, follow these steps.
Open Unity and import the desired item of clothing. This can be a clothing item you've created, or you can obtain clothing templates at
Next, make sure the clothing model is selected in the Hierarchy and click the Add Component button. Search for "clothing," and add the Clothing Item Settings component to the model.
Prepare your clothing item for upload following the linked instructions.
Before uploading your clothing item, click the Shapes tab in the Clothing Item Settings component, and paste in the shape details you copied from Breakroom.
Finally, prefab and upload your clothing item.
Once uploaded, your clothing item will be available for testing on the preview server. When you have tested the item and are happy with how it performs, you can push it to the live server for your users.