Region settings

The Region Information window allows team members to customize settings for individual Regions. Learn how to restrict access to individuals or groups, mute users, add an audio stream, and more.


The Region Information window can be viewed by anyone, and contains useful information for Region visitors. Users with advanced World- or Region-level permissions can also find Region access, user moderation, and media tools in this window.

World Owners and World Administrators can enable and disable parts of the UI via the Dashboard. You may not have access to every function described in this section.

Opening the Region Information window

You can open the Region Information window by clicking the Region Information button located above the in-world mini map. This button will be labeled with the name of the Region itself, which may be abbreviated.

Users can access this window in any Region where the mini map is enabled. In addition to reviewing the Region's name, description, and permissions settings, users can also "Like" the region or create a bookmark so they can easily return. The Region Owner and Administrators are identified in the List of Admins section, giving users a way to reach out for assistance.

Changing Region settings and permissions

In addition to the universal functionality described above, Region Owners and Region Administrators can access advanced Region settings by clicking the Edit button located in the Permissions panel.

Here team members can:

  • Edit basic information about the Region, such as its name and description

  • Choose a Region-wide audio stream, or turn it off

  • Control who can access the Region

  • Control who can spawn items, and how long those items will exist in the Region before they are automatically deleted

  • Control whether the Region shows up in search or can be found via the Explore window

Most of these advanced settings can be enabled by checking the box beside the setting and then clicking the Save button. To disable a setting, uncheck the relevant box and then click the Save button.

For more detailed information about Region access settings, please review the relevant section on this page.

Region-wide audio streams

Using the Region Information window, Region Owners and Region Administrators can enable a Region-wide audio stream. This stream will play automatically for users upon entry to the Region, and can be controlled using the audio stream and volume controls located in the settings toolbar.

Enabling an audio stream

To enable a Region-wide audio stream, follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to your Breakroom World and navigate your avatar to the Region you would like to edit.

  2. Click the Region Information button located above the mini map.

  3. Click the Edit button in the Permissions panel.

  4. Click the Select button next to the Shoutcast field.

  5. In the menu that opens, click on one of the listed streams to select it. You can also search for a stream using the search field. When you click on a stream, its address will appear in the stream field at the top of the menu.

    1. Alternatively, you can enter an audio stream address directly into the stream field.

  6. Click the Set Stream button. This will return you to the Region Information window.

  7. Click the Save button.

You can also enter a known audio stream address using the Breakroom moderator tools.

If you can't immediately hear your chosen audio, try toggling the stream. You can do this by clicking the Radio icon in the settings toolbar several times.

The streams listed in the Region Information window are created and maintained by independent entertainment companies. Breakroom is not affiliated with any of these third parties, and cannot alter or endorse any station's content.

Disabling an audio stream

To disable an active Region-wide audio stream, follow these steps.

  1. Repeat steps 1-4 above.

  2. In the menu that opens, select and delete the current audio stream address.

  3. Click the Set Stream button. This will return you to the Region Information window.

  4. Click the Save button.

You can also enter a known audio stream address or delete using the Breakroom moderator tools.

Controlling Region access

Regions can either be open to the public or offer various degrees of controlled access. When it comes to letting users visit a Region, your options are:

  • Public: Any user in the World can access your Region

  • Contact Only: All users listed in the Region Owner's People list and whitelisted users can access the Region

  • Approved Only: Only whitelisted users can access the Region

  • Groups Only: Only users in whitelisted groups can access and control the Region

To select a Region access type, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your Breakroom World and navigate your avatar to the Region you would like to edit.

  2. Click the Region Information button located above the mini map.

  3. Click the Edit button in the Permissions panel.

  4. Scroll down to the Region Access panel, and check the box beside the access type you prefer.

  5. Click the Save button.

For detailed information about each Region access type, please review the following sections.

Approving Region members

Some Region access types require visitors to be approved (or whitelisted). To do so, please refer to the following instructions.

Approving users

  1. Log in to your Breakroom World and navigate your avatar to the Region you would like to edit.

  2. Click the Region Information button located above the mini map.

  3. Click on the Members tab in the Region Information window.

  4. Click the Add Members button to open the "Add new members" dialog box. Locate the user you want to whitelist by using the search field, and then click the Add button beside their name.

Removing approved users

To remove a user from the Region members list, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your Breakroom World and navigate your avatar to the Region you would like to edit.

  2. Click the Region Information button located above the mini map.

  3. Click on the Members tab in the Region Information window, and use the search field to search for the user's name.

  4. Once you locate the user you want to remove, click the Edit button located to the right of their name. In the action menu that appears, click Delete.

Region access types

Contact Only

By making a Region "Contact Only," you are limiting access to the contacts in the Region Owner's People list and specific users approved (or whitelisted) to visit the Region.

Approved Only

By making a Region "Approved Only," you are limiting access to only those users included in your Region members list. No other users will be allowed to enter the Region.

Groups Only

In the Region Information window, you'll notice that the "Groups Only" Region access option is grayed out, and therefore unclickable. In order to restrict Region access to one or more groups, you will need to first join or create those groups.

To limit Region access to one or more groups, you can then follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your Breakroom World and navigate your avatar to the Region you would like to edit.

  2. Click the Region Information button located above the mini map.

  3. Click on the Groups tab in the Region Information window. This tab will initially appear empty; to populate it with your groups, click the Manage button located at the bottom.

  4. Check the box beside each group you want to offer Region access.

  5. Click the Save button.

  6. Click on the Info tab, and then the Edit button. You will see that Region access is now restricted to "Groups Only."

When a Region is set to "Groups Only," the group member lists will override the Region's existing members list, including any region members with advanced permissions.

This means that only Group Administrators, Group Moderators, Group Developers, etc. will be able to exercise their powers over the Region as a whole. Additionally, only group members will be permitted to visit the Region. Any users in the Region member list will be ignored.

To disable group control over the Region, select a different Region access option. Doing so will restore access and advanced permissions to any users in the Region members list.

Muting and banning Region visitors

In order to mute or ban a Region visitor, that user must either be:

  1. Currently located within the Region (with the Guest user role)

  2. Included in the Region members list (with the Member user role or better)

If the user is not currently located within the Region, but you would like to preemptively mute or ban them, you will first need to whitelist the user. You can then edit that user's status using the following methods.

Muting visitors

To mute a single Region visitor (on either text or voice chat), follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your Breakroom World and navigate your avatar to the Region you would like to edit.

  2. Click the Region Information button located above the mini map.

  3. Click on the Members tab in the Region Information window, and use the search field to search for the user's name.

  4. Once you locate the user you want to mute, you can either:

    1. Click the Edit button located to the right of the user's name. In the action menu that appears, click Mute Voice and/or Mute Chat.

    2. Toggle the Microphone icon and/or the Speech bubble icon located to the right of the user's name. When the blue check mark disappears, the user is muted.

To restore communication to a previously muted user, repeat steps 1-4 above, and either:

  1. Click the Edit button located to the right of the user's name. In the action menu that appears, click Unmute Voice and/or Unmute Chat.

  2. Toggle the Microphone icon and/or the Speech bubble icon located to the right of the user's name. When a blue check mark appears, the user can communicate over voice or text chat.

To mute multiple users at once, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your Breakroom World and navigate your avatar to the Region you would like to edit.

  2. Click the Region Information button located above the mini map.

  3. Click on the Members tab in the Region Information window, and locate the users you want to mute. Check the box located to the left of each user's name.

  4. Click the Set Status drop-down menu, and then click Mute Voice and/or Mute Chat.

To restore communication to multiple muted users, repeat steps 1-3 above. Then, click the Set Status drop-down menu, and click Unmute Voice and/or Unmute Chat.

Banning visitors

To ban a single user from entering your Region, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your Breakroom World and navigate your avatar to the Region you would like to edit.

  2. Click the Region Information button located above the mini map.

  3. Click on the Members tab in the Region Information window, and use the search field to search for the user's name.

  4. Once you locate the user you want to ban, click the Edit button located to the right of the user's name. In the action menu that appears, click Block.

To undo a ban, repeat steps 1-3 above. The user will be filed under the Ban List. Click the Edit button located to the right of the user's name. In the action menu that appears, click Unblock.

To ban multiple users at once, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your Breakroom World and navigate your avatar to the Region you would like to edit.

  2. Click the Region Information button located above the mini map.

  3. Click on the Members tab in the Region Information window, and locate the users you want to ban. Check the box located to the left of each user's name.

  4. Click the Set Status drop-down menu, and then click Block.

To undo a ban for multiple users, repeat steps 1-3 above. Banned users will be filed under the Ban List. Check the boxes beside the users you want to unban, click the Set Status drop-down menu, and then click Unblock.

Last updated

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