World-level user permissions

By assigning special permissions to your team members, you can take collaboration and customization to a whole new level. Learn how to appoint Administrators, Moderators, and more.


There are two categories of user permissions that you can assign to teammates, event coordinators, or end users—World-level permissions, and Region-level permissions. It is important to note that these two categories are distinct, with their own separate spheres of influence and control. On this page, we will discuss World-level user types.

Only World Owners and World Administrators can access the Dashboard.

World-level user types

Users with advanced World-level permissions have broad powers that apply to the entirety of your Breakroom World, but not necessarily powers that apply to individual Regions. Users with advanced World-level permissions generally have powers that allow them to manage your Breakroom account, oversee events, and upload new content.

It may be helpful to think of advanced World-level permissions as those you can assign and manage through the Dashboard.

In brief, the current World-level user types are:

World Owners are responsible for managing billing details for their account, and can review their past invoices via the Dashboard.

In addition, World Owners can:

Assigning and revoking advanced World-level permissions

You can assign advanced World-level permissions to individual users by following the steps below.

  1. Navigate to your Dashboard.

  2. Click on the Manage Users tab.

  3. Locate the name of the user whose permissions you want to edit. (Tip: You can use the search field to search by name or email address.) Click the pencil icon to the right of their name.

  4. In the Edit User window that appears, click on the permissions type you would like to assign.

  5. Click the Update button to save your changes.

To revoke advanced World-level permissions, repeat the steps above and select a new user type (e.g. Member). You can learn more about creating and managing user accounts in our Opening the Doors section.

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