Moderator tools

You work hard behind the scenes to make each and every event a success. Let Breakroom help with our collection of moderator tools. Communicate with users, share streaming media, and more.


Breakroom's moderator tools offer event coordinators a virtual leg-up when it comes to attendee support and logistics. By accessing a single menu, you can message users as a whole or individually, teleport users to different locations within a Region, and field questions from audience members. You can also stream music and video to create a unique multimedia experience.

Accessing the moderator controls

Moderator tool permissions

Key event coordinators and stakeholders will have access to the moderator tools by default. This list includes:

This section of the documentation refers to these individuals collectively as "Moderators."

Launching the moderator tools

To launch the moderator tools, click the Moderator tools/Key button located on the right side of the screen. To further expand the moderator tools menu, click the Maximize button located at the bottom.

Here's a brief overview of the moderator tools UI, with links to relevant information.


Close button

Closes the menu.

Allows Moderators to act as an Instructor on the Breakroom Training system.

Allows Moderators to send messages to one or more attendees in the Region.

Allows Moderators to teleport one or more users around the Region, and to control access to voice chat.

Allows Moderators to review audience questions submitted through the conference system.

Raised hands button

Allows Moderators to identify users who have their hands raised.

Allows Moderators to control signage and videos for presentations.

Support requests button

Allows Moderators to address submitted support requests. (Note: This feature is currently unavailable.)

Allows Moderators to reveal UI elements that are hidden from most users.

Allows Moderators to post a participation system URL for use in the Region, such as Slido.

Allows Moderators to switch the Region audio stream.

Minimize button

Minimizes the expanded menu.

We'll explore the moderator tools in more detail in the sections that follow.

The Moderator tools/Key button is normally visible only to the user types listed above. However, other users may see this button if you have enabled a password on the moderator tools to make them more broadly accessible. If you would like to enable a password as part of your event security or logistics plan, please contact our Customer Success Team for more information.

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